In information technology, usage of word Widget sometime compared to gadget. For example Google replace the term widget with desktop gadget because truely both this word have the meaning can be told much the same to. But in word information world technology widget more popular, possibly the cause of him is word gadget more knowledgeable as peripheral hardware portable be like handphone or PDA. If we refer back from word meaning widget which is taken away from Dictionary.com the meaning of gadget is widget overall panel instrument. From this definition can be concluded that meaning gadget by xself related/relevant to truely sliver with widget.
Web widget is a provided by code 3rd party, and can be integrated ( copied paste) into website you is not requiring compilation additional and complicated procedure. Just copy and paste.
Some other terms which also public utilized to call web widget is badge, module, snippet, plugin, and others. Generally web widget use DHTML, JavaScript, or Flash. Fitur provided very immeasurable, from hit counter modestly shall game the complicated enoughness, can be presented with web widget.
Usage web widget have been started since strarting of of era Word Wide Web, although initially only used to hit counter and banner advertisement, but web widget continue to expand at full speed and offer various widget the interestingness.
Generally, web widget is in this time used by blogger, consumer web social network (Facebook, Friendster, and so on), also by owner website personal.
Well, now his moment we try some web widget able to make website you become more interesting, without you have to master the Ianguage programming the complicatedness. (Source : Yahoo Answer, Untukku dotcom, planet seruit dotcom)
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